Hola soy deg, y dibujo cosillas coloridas y locas . Fanarts y mis ocs (wuuu)

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j’ai fais un test sur inprnt et genre mon aperçu ressort comme ça sauf que j’ai aucune idée si la qualité deg va être celle du print ou si c’est juste l’aperçu qui est pixelisé ?

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dia yg digituin aku yg deg deg an anjir😭😭😭😭😭

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First love dari jaman SD ♡

Lucu imut menggemaskan kliatan bego tp kalo dah serius cakep bgt bikin deg"an 😭😭😭 https://t.co/MNinqXGxWJ

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Hi i m Deg ! And draw cartoons
Ocs , fanarts.

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Hello, I'm Deg and this is a pinned tweet!
If ya wanna chat with me you can DM me, or add me on discord Degg#9148
Here's the reference of my sona, Kody.
Hope y'all enjoy to see my tweet!
(mostly rt)

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Awalnya rada deg2an juga sih ketika aku nyodorin sketsa yg ga begitu mirip sm yg direferensiin. Tp beliau mengapresiasinya, terus lgsg klik dan decided to continue the rest of the story with me. In full color. Damn it relieves all the worries! 😭

Oyaa ini sketsaku hahaha

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tehe! cw// halu
art oleh sender
berbagi kehaluan berikutnya, dari yang deg-degan tiga jam lagi. 😔✋

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Hot steamy day today - I love it hot :) I remember as kid in 50/60's we had 42 deg (108deg) & had to go home from school - no aircon in schools in those days - hot our sunburnt country - giant termite mounds soil https://t.co/sWWiiglbZM

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Hello I'm Deg and I'm trying to improve
hum, thanks for the opportunity!

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g fe le truc de "me as a girl/me as a boy" vous en pensez quoi

par contre, trop deg j'ai pas pu foutre les trucs qui brillent sur mon moi mec 😔

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La cover est réalisée par je suis trop content elle est trop belle et je suis deg que la vidéo twitter lui rende pas hommage, du coup je la drop ici

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Zaman sebelum kenal bluetooth 😂 dulu siapa yang deg-degan setiap kali kirim file via infrared? Geser dikit auto gagal wkwkw...

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i am deg and i draw these things. I'll pin this, and you can follow me elsewhere:
Tumblr: https://t.co/k7RgVI5Gzv
Instagram : https://t.co/dVlfcus2K7
Youtube: https://t.co/HhAjeqUNNu

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Deg deg an parah gambar BG nya, takut gagal. Awalnya hampir nyerah krn jelek, tp karena baru belajar gambar BG, gk masalah ya....
Mau makasih jg buat
atas masukan dan sarannya~ sama tmn2 di discord yg g bs kusebutkan satu2

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Aku bikin ini sambil deg degan... Huhhh mas akaaassshhhiiiiiii cwpat lamar akooo😭 akoo siapppp


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