Aller pour le type Ténèbres, je vais sortir le tout premier de la 4G que j'ai vu et qui m'a immédiatement taper dans l'oeil ! Attention à ces griffes, à toi de jouer Dimoret !

0 4

Instead of Dimorphodon & Pteranodon, JW should've used Thalassodromeus & Quetzalcoatlus. I mean, what better flock of pterosaurs than the literal Guillotine Dragon & the Grim Reaper?!

Besides, the Pteranodon already got its grand role in JP3, no need to redesign it a 3rd time.

48 327

imagine ur an evil teacher and suddenly ur wife giv u kissy

16 39

Question importante

Pour Hélio, le boss de la Team Galaxie, vous voyez plus quel Pokémon signature pour lui ? Corboss ou Dimoret ?

3 89

me making a species/race for my potential pathfinder campaign with dimorphism that isnt "female petite and has big boobs and smoother features"

have not come up with a name yet though

2 13

I'm kind of fascinated by this, their designs are SO similar yet so different... they almost feel like they were intended to be sexually dimorphic members of the same species, except one design is very very good and one is just dumb as shit

2 20

i remember liking the game but literally all of the forms had um... dimorphism

0 2

˜”*°•.˜”*°• La speranza è qualcosa con le ali, che dimora nell’anima e canta la melodia senza parole, e non si ferma mai. •°*”˜.•°*”˜

Emily Dickinson con e

🎨 DANNY ABRAHAMS - Where there’s love there’s hope

2 2

ugh, i hate the sexual dimorphism, at least the original suits didn't highlight her breasts


0 5

The female has two stripes on the neck and chest, and contrast stripy wind plumage. The blue around the eyes is apparent for both male and female.

0 0

These are adoptive brothers Quil the Velociraptor and Buddy the Dimorphodon c: These two actually came from a dream of mine a couple years ago that I decided to make into OC's! Raptor's are my favorite dinos and dimorphodons are one of my faves and are underrated

8 28

bbbbbbsdkljglsdglsdf susanbaldi time :)

14 51

"Più felice sono quando più lontana la mia anima dalla sua dimora d'argilla. Quando mi anullo e niente mi è accanto nè terra, né mare, né cieli tersi e sono tutta sparita, ampiamente errando attraverso infinite immensità".


12 26

Paleo artist is offering to paint a 5x7 watercolour of any Dino/marine reptile of your choice as a silent auction! Check out his amazing art 😱 Dimorphodon, ichthyosaur, plesiosaur U name it, he’ll do it! email bids to ends Thurs 4/2/21

25 72

And of course, fliers like Dimorphodon were a thing. Despite the fearsome appearance this critter is, at most, 2 kilos in weight and 1.1 meters in length.

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