Riithah - daughter of the dragonborn. Now I should redraw their mother now, eventually.

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My teammates-guys post.
You got Zealriel the Aasimar, Alister the Human, and Igneel the Red Dragonborn.

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My Final Fantasy 9sona! Geno Starlite the Dragonborn. She uses giant hammers and has a proficiency with Thundaga and related abilities~
She's kind of a clutz with some identity issues, and loves playing Tetra Master 💚

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A super amusing one-shot tonight in which I got to test my homebrew cleric domain (rebirth) and play my first dragonborn.

So here's Eridani Anka, ... and the eyeball-like spirit of a sentient door she adopted on the way out back to her home plane.

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So my favorite weapon I made was for 's campaign and had a morning star flail that looked like a pom pom at the end for my sorority dragonborn.

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Npc's from my dnd campaign dungeons and a suspicious lack of dragons aka
Veela the winged kobold and Kiena the gold dragonborn.

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I got real bored and did, I think some sort of dragonborn. Also a shirtless Caroline for shits and giggles.

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eyes emoji at your dragonborn........ hello can I trade u another,

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Yo fuck you, dragonborn. (via )

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my boyfriend's....... dragonborn.......... this was gonna be a sketch because i was meaning to just figure out the head shape so i could do a fully body later but i got kinda into it

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i drew a hot dragonborn. nsfw versions available on fa and my AD later.

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Another DnD character drawing. His name is Dolore, a copper Dragonborn. He is the conduit of Bahamut, born to wipe out the radical worshippers of Tiamat.

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Random fire breathing dragonborn... fun concept to play with

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Day 7 of This time my dice landed on Tuatara They are kind of like a blend of and

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my dnd character failed her lycanthropy save. she's a dragonborn. this is ridiculous. i'm still not over it.

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