theyve been living in my brain rent free😔(monkey, sulfur, ellipse, plum)

39 148

ive found a decent approach. you may already do it but i make a new layer for most strokes, over draw the line just to get a fast, smoother stroke then erase out the bits that overlap, collapse down. repeat. Pen and ellipse tool used here too but mostly that method.

0 9

"As a narrative, Kieślowski's RED is often recursively & sometimes even reflexively understood. It’s a film of ellipses, of threads dropped and picked up until, suddenly, they are woven." https://t.co/afZoBJrMPC

0 7

Nom: Isaac
Nom de Villain: Altaïr

Alter: Ellipse: Il peut appliquer un champ gravitationnel sur n'importe quoi, tout ce qui est proche de cet objet se retrouve en orbite autour.

Inconvénient: Les orbites l'affectent aussi donc il est obligé d'activer son alter très loin de lui

2 28

I'm pretty sure that Eren himself knows that his plan is wrong, he looks so fucking depressed and during the ellipse he was searching for another path but he didn't find any
And now he just has decided to go through the future he saw
Besides I'm still waiting for "that scenery"

2 9

I start with the base. Ground squares are rhombuses. Ground circles are ellipses. I then extrude that up, to make a column. Check out that barrel and rocks and dragon

Vertical circles are a bit harder, but there's a trick:

3 7

The day he was taken, I searched the other side of the wall, eyes burning with sadness. There was no haven for AI, no blood, no presence—only endless ellipses spattering the ground where laughter once lived.

21 84

La fin heureuse d'un arc de plusieurs tomes avec uniquement des regards bienveillants, avant d'enchainer sur une cover affichant une ellipse narrative de 10 ans...

25 142


10 81



1 48

Hey , do you have any hints on making apparent shadows below objects? For the majority of them an ellipse did the job since most of it is hidden, but the same wasn't true for objects with less volume such as this tree.

0 3

for(float r=TAU*9;r>0;r-=.01){

6 42

Me before warming up: alright we should do some lines, some closed ellipses and some gesture practises

my warmups:

1 9

float x,y,n=random(30);
void setup(){size(900,900);stroke(#cda37a,60);noFill();blendMode(SUBTRACT);}
void draw(){strokeWeight(noise(n)*2+0.5);push();translate(450,450);rotate(noise(n+0.1)*2*PI);x=noise(n)*800;y=noise(3*n)*800;ellipse(0,0,x,y);pop();n+=0.005;}

6 50

vol.6 朝まで続くサラふわヘア




4 8