It's been two years... and he's still my one true daddy ;;

10 30

Je me remets trop pas de ces visuels pour Nier Automata par contre hein

2 35

I want to breathe in all the ashes of the books they tried to burn
I want to taste resilience on my tongue and love beyond concern.

4 9

Was this a shameless excuse to draw Emet in a crop top and skirt…haha, of course it was.

3 43

Anyone else go so nuts trying to figure out how Emet’s ShB outfit works that you decide to have a stab a designing each of the layers yourself?
No, just me then? OK

177 340

Je remets mon dessin de faut toujours un drame malheureusement pour que chacun prenne conscience et se révolte contre la faut continuer de relayer les images de leur courageux combat, puisque la dictature religieuse essaie de museler les réseaux sociaux.

32 81

4인합작 에메트셀크

러프(선) - 산친놈(저요)
밑색 -
명암 -
보정 -

28 31

POV: u are interrupting them

maybe it's not the best but it's the best i got

9 13


Finally onto the last batch O(-<

Bless the Emetself pair lmaoo

5 29

Love shared and multiplied by three.
Some very self-indulgent Hythazemet art that Twitter won't let me format correctly.

1 14


Pour les fans de je remets en vente le de Alcor ! via

0 0

I did a new header / avatar twitter's image! i hope you like it <3

3 11