2/ Abitarono l'entroterra cosentino e, sul Tirreno, fondarono La Gàrdia (in epoca post-unitaria denominata Guardia Piemontese).
Nel XVI secolo furono accusati di eresia, perseguitati e sterminati dalla Chiesa Cattolica. >>

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Estoy en una epoca en donde cualquier cosa que hago no me termina gustando o pierdo rapidamente el interes en terminarlo lloro JKNJGFN 😭😭

Les muestro algunas q hice pq necesito subir algo a esta cuetna JKFMSDMD

10 21

This Saturday, Indiepocalypse Radio returns at 2pm ET with guests and !

Tune in it at

Send questions to

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Indiepocalypse is a monthly anthology of games highlighting and supporting people making shorter/alternative/more personal/etc. games. Each release has games from 10 developers, including a newly commissioned game.

The full library:

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Nuovi vennero eseguiti tra XI e XV sec, la cosiddetta rivestivano a palinsesto la prima superficie decorativa. Alcuni vennero strappati dai restauratori Botter, per portare alla luce gli affreschi dell’VIII sec, di epoca longobarda

Saranno restaurati

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https://t.co/SEP1hLXdfX hubo una epoca ( finales del 92) en que nos sentimos que nos trolleo vilmente XD

2 12

Here is some old art i did in Janurary,
it's the cover for Indiepocalypse 29 which just released today, check it out.


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Want to be on Indiepocalypse Radio (the Indiepocalypse-related radio show) or know someone else you want to hear on the show?

Got one form for both!


Listen to
Live: https://t.co/ZOgzAZivYS
Archive: https://t.co/CcTXZjPtg9

0 3

Aunque no se ve a simple vista hay mucha relevancia el nombre hero en esta epoca, por que hay muchos productos audio visuales, a comparacion de las 2 decadas pasadas. Los de digi lo saben y empezaron recien a usar la pronunciacion jiro en ghost game, vital brazalet fue prematuro

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This Saturday, Indiepocalypse Radio returns at 2pm ET with guests , , and of !

Tune in it at

Send questions to

5 18

15 vs 23
apunte de que 15 és epoca teràpia de shock, one direction, 5sos, etc https://t.co/xAAEz0USSv

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QUE BONITO recordar la epoca de swsh cuando me obsesioné con raihan y mis amigos me mimaron mucho en mi cumpleaños yo los quiero mucho

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Hablando de memes
Dato curioso: Esta mona china es precursora del "shitpost japones" (y no, no es de ahora o parecido, es casi casi comienzos de internet, o bueno, poco antes de la epoca del troll face)

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Riconosco un'epoca dal naso,
un uomo dalla mano,
ma un libro dalla copertina no,
devo entrarci, montare il mio bivacco,
fiutarlo, perché un libro è fatto d'aria.

Erri De Luca

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aquela epoca que o povo ficava editando beijo lumity em outros beijos

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This Saturday, Indiepocalypse Radio returns at 2pm ET with guests , , and !

Tune in it at

Send questions to

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The Four Horsemen of the Vertepocalypse.

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POV: Viviste la mejor epoca de CN

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