day 5
burn everything you love then burn the ashes :)

aaa im super nervous posting this one bc its outside of my comfort zone :'DD firs time drawing flames too hshsh

16 84

Look at the dude with his cool hair clips and hair styles, what a guy

54 221

A survivor.

ok i've fulfilled my deeprooted psychological need to draw etho n bdubs last life fanart there's a lot i wish i'd done differently but eh

58 235

🔥 , , Tried to swim on lava
Burned to death / /

| , Day 2. Soulmate |

15 58

trying out something. little bit darker color scheme than normal!

75 497

more poppies.

a little tired today, not too proud of this doodle haha

69 508


heres another little drawing of hermitarchives etho :D

(original cosplay + inspo by @/insanitydog25, go follow them!!)

9 47

poppies! they carry meanings of sleep, peace, death, remembrance, resurrection, and dreams.

might have a divorcedduo mini-comic in mind with poppy symbolism.

56 327

Figuring out how I wanna draw etho and bdubs and having so much fun sketching!!! Ft: red life bdubs trying his best to convince etho to the crimson side 😂
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98 594