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Faint Tone大好きです🥺💞絵が綺麗ですしシナリオも面白いしヒロインも可愛いし、大好きです😭❤️ちなみに好きなヒロインは音羽ちゃんと心弦ちゃんと留亜ちゃんです!シナリオはちょっと同人作品っぽい感じですが全然悪くないと思います!むしろチャームポイントです🥰

7 14

i remember reading this part in the novel and i was like "oh no!!! he fainted!!! ㅠㅠ"

but in the webtoon he is sleeping so cutely

wipe that drool

9 170

Hi Amar ❤️

I wonder if all the butterflies had died. The storm was coming. A change was felt in the wind, and it sent a shiver down her spine. She felt a faint movement inside. There was only one butterfly left with broken wings.

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0 2

Hi, uh

My Canada OC, Firework, always faintly smells like maple syrup.

That’s all, thank you

0 3

Little bird told me there's a R4V3N Base on secondary who seems to have fainted. Who's going to pick her up from the floor? 👀

3 10

Even youths grow tired and weary,
    and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the Lord
    will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
    they will run and not grow weary,
    they will walk and not be faint.

Isaiah 40:30-31 (NIV)

8 23

faint: (動) 気絶する、気が遠のく

0 27

Also Idk if its just me but reigen and blue give off the same vibes. I can't really...tell you why cause I have not a single faintest idea im afraid

0 3

We're really never gonna see her again I feel faint

267 1598

and this is a little more tinfoil hat-y but memory of dust (the weapon) has always reminded me faintly of the dainichi mikoshi. guizhong’s technological prowess in general just makes me think of the “ancient advanced civilization”

5 74

Raisin is definitely not for the faint of heart lmao

0 0

Hunting under the Blood Moon isn’t for the faint of heart

0 0

Okay... probably the first "Feeling down" of the year, but only faint, probably will get better tomorrow.

I dont want to feel as i did last year, that hopeless abyss where no matter where you look at you only see knives pointing at you.

0 0

Unfortunately today I felt very unwell, fainted and slept, so I could not be active on Twitter.. 😞
sorry my fam, I hope you are doing well…💞
Good night💜
And… by the way..but my twins🥰

11 31

A city of injustice, crime, violence and murder.

That´s the place where the Cyberpunk Rabbits (CPR) are fighting for the good and against corruption.

A dark place with many losses. But on the horizon glimmers a faint light of hope to banish the darkness.

1 3

You can hear faint carnival music playing in the background…

7 52