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i wasnt expecting garganacl and lokix to be such fast faves but i love them dearly https://t.co/bhFp80y1yZ

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More stickers, this is probably one of my faves, the design is quite simple but I just love fluffy characters.

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Shoutout to these absolute faves too, you can probably see a pattern here but I’m not disclosing more info other than just sayin one of these is not like the others

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i literally couldn't narrow it down to 4 (because i couldn't decide which other 2 to include) so i'll just post my 2 faves hehe https://t.co/z4wYlDd8ho

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I just picked the first 4 that came to mind from my faves https://t.co/PcnWn2hhW5

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not the biggest pokemon person(hopefully i can change that someday) but i do have my faves..... :3 GO ON! https://t.co/oXOLQM1qcp

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i have so many.. 🥹 here are some of my all time faves https://t.co/r4hGGmxTp9

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my problematic faves i will always love you 🫶

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Make an assumption about me based on my 4 favorite Pokémon!

My faves are kinda all over the place but good luck! https://t.co/cuMOUdhOO5

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This is one of my favorites moments, ngl is one of my faves. Gotta miss him on Spider-Man the last years. I really love the contrast between both of them, since Surfer feels alone still, even with his cosmic powers. A lovely issue

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Cannot tell how happy I am to be tagged in this!! Thank you so much 🥺🧡 Made my day!
Here's some of my own faves BUT also check out these rad paleo folks + + + https://t.co/ujoEIgje6P

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idgaf about the 2nd part I just wanna post my faves https://t.co/9sJoNNr3Jj

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I've got so many faves that it's hard to choose four but these guys kinda top the rest https://t.co/E4qPZ8rK5N

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' Post 4 of your favorite pokemon and let people assume things about you. '

This was really hard... I have too many faves. But Dragonite and Gengar are always my top 2 https://t.co/vy2fF1UHV6

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Some of my faves (i like grass and fairy types) https://t.co/rEUJ7aULQp

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Heavily bias as this is one of my faves, Vampire Dies In No Time, s2 delivered the comedy that is in tune with me, so I understand a lot not liking it. Has more of my favorite characters in the series. I just overall love this one.

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