🔖 First stretch goal reward unlocked! 🐙

We are really happy to announce that you just unlocked the first reward of our list: a wonderful Tentacle Bookmark!

This is what it will look like. Give us your opinions!

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Gamebook Friday: 'TWAS - The Roleplaying Game Before Christmas https://t.co/1jP5NZ6hxR

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Worth giving it a try: I'm Erica, a prémiere weirdieties manifacturer for ttRPG and gamebooks (also willing to put a foot in the door of videogame 2d art in the near future, who knows)

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Oh, that's interesting indeed.
Entry level ttRPG and gamebook illustrator (and also a bit of a wannabe-future-2d artist-for-videogames), here. Dropping my artstation portfolio, if anyone would like to take a look at it.

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Day 28 - - Close
Just when you think your adventure in 's CAVERNS OF SNOW WITCH is coming to a close, you are forced to set off on another quest to save your own life, and come very close to death! https://t.co/jF9GXRCpOb

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Day 26 - - Strange
The artwork of John Blanche helped give Steve Jackson's SORCERY! a unique and particularly strange atmosphere. https://t.co/Z53SgEcrR6

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Day 7 - Couple
Anyone who has ever enjoyed and Mark Smith's TALISMAN OF DEATH will remember this charming couple... the thieves Tyutchev and Cassandra!

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Day 4 - - Vision
The have featured artwork by a host of artists with a unique vision for the world of Titan, including , John Blanche, Ian Miller, and Chris Achilleos.

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Gamebook lovers: 'Drácula, Rastro de Sangre' by is now available on iOS and Android (currently in Spanish and Catalan). I thought it would be nice to make a thread slicing through some of the visual decisions we made for the game👇

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What are your favourite and online playthroughs? The Warlock needs to know!

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Preparing to write the THIRD title. This one is going to be space opera. What do my sci-fi and artist peeps think about the hero ship?

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I've got stuff lined up and on deck for the next two books in the Wanderer Gamebook+ line.

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I think you'd really dig my book, called the Wanderer Gamebook+. It's inspired by old Choose Your Own Adventure books. Intended to get adults and kids reading, writing and roleplaying.
A RT from you would really help me put it over the top.

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Gamebooks had international appeal and were written in (or translates into) many languages. Joe Denver's Lone Wolf series became Loup Solitaire in France - and was hugely successful.

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There are many types of gamebook: some are straightforward branching narratives, others ask you to construct a character and use dice to calculate the outcome of combat choices. But they are all (usually) solo adventures - no Dungeon Master is required.

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When I said that we were dedicated to representing ALL Y'ALL as main characters of the Wanderer System, I meant it. There are more to come!

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