Happy Birthday !! 🎉
A big heccin cheer for u!! ✨

19 315

It’s heccin patch day for DM tomorrow
Word of advice, If you can’t spare your face I learned she also likes cheesecake

55 495

birthday art for the birthday gal! (cant believe ive only been subbed to her yt & not here yet xD)

6 97

I finally finished it!! I hope you enjoy it, !!! :3c

21 423

Inspired by streams of dark souls

23 328

Kinda wanted to wait for the birthday, kinda didn't, but congrats on recently going full time and advance happy birthday !!

10 157

Continuing my series of vtubers who inspire me that I've been drawing on stream, it's GirlDM! Nya!

19 286

!!! i only found her content last week, but shes already one of my favorite streamers :D

9 104

Painted the green AI cat while watching her stream

532 4541

i forgot to stream today oops but i did have a design ready to draw!!! girl_dm_ love hours

13 125

"Thanks for the hydrate!" *plays a sick air flute solo*

16 279