Ive always wanted to draw but then I saw he was changing his main sona. So I combined them in hopes he not only likes it, but also kinda sorta not like it. You heckin Non-furry xD

2 20


Mema lang ung "I missed you"
Gusto ko may chatbox ahahaha

I used Fargo's original art as a palette

3 11

Dejo a mis dos bebos, el primero tiene paleta libre de colores :D.

1 7

I'm waiting for Pyrrha to pull a Mufasa and tell Jaune to move on and live happily ever after with Weiss. 💙

3 24

Too many wips, too little time but I managed to at least paint this Jyushiko.

PD: She doesn't really know what the shirt says but she still likes it. (I'msorryIhadtodoitsinceIsawthatshirtdon'thatemeit'sjusttoofunny)

7 9

I spent a bit too long inflating for Helium Day, It was interesting trying to do all the coloring on one layer with the grease pencil. Anyway hope you like it, plzdonthateme!

3 9

I'm SO NOT satisfied, but i'll post it here anyway. Sorry if your eyes rotten and ... hem... Merry Christmas?

0 2

Something for ol' and a reminder that I should really plan out my images and not leave so much deadspaaaaace


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| teams up with on "Forbes List," the latest cut from | http://t.co/tYdAVrOgig

27 21