Estava tentando imitar aquarela no krita, bom valeu a tentativa, eu gravei meu esforço, está lá no YouTube

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I was looking through old art again, so here's a throwback to this comic I made based off of a scene from the cartoon She-Ra. It's context-less and very OOC, so invent your own context 😂 (The quality is rough because I made this comic using Krita, which has horrible quality).

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1st try on krita, i want to draw tenalice but idk... is it good enough or failed because i've not been drawing for a long time....

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While practicing painting in Krita, I decided to make a fanart for Dream 😁

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tried krita,,, paint tool sai's stabilization is still way way way better

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I think im liking Krita, def unsubscribing from Adobe

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My friendo was telling me about Krita, and I decided to try it out. Here's my practice doodz -- Chelinka and Porom. :0

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March 2020. First attempts for an emote request. I had no idea how to colour under the lineart. So I used colourize tool on my familiar gimp. Don't use gimp for colouring, please! Use actual drawing programs like Krita, CSP, PS, Medibang, IbisPaint etc. I personally prefer Krita.

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Chip and Cheese

Hmm I'm very proud of this I wonder if I should continue making art on krita, maybe even art streams. I guess I'll model my account on art.

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Primeiro desenho feito no Krita, deu trabalho pra caralho não sei usar esse bagulho aaaaaaaa

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I tried to use Krita, couldn't do it and turned back to SAI again fdsfs

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Hey thanks for the thread! I don't use Krita, just plain old watercolours. But I hope you like!

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Bom dia, boa tarde, boa noite! Pode me chamar de Crystal e eu faço uns desenhinhos ai! Desenho no tradicional e no digital, uso o aplicativo Krita, mas costumo postar mais digitais!

Feliz dia do desenhista💞

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Fiz no krita, tô gostando de usar até, mas vai levar um tempinho até me acostumar 100%

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✨❤️✨ We've got a random Hollowknight Oc. Drew them in Krita, since I was fooling around with it. Lot different than Sai.

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Eu odeio o krita, n consigo me acostumar c os brush, então eu simplesmente decidi q vou animar agora na base do odio no pts, eu fiz esse teste pra ver se eu conseguia ficar ok c as layer e deu certo, eu tenho amor proprio, eu juro q eu tenho e é por isso q eu prefiro ficar no pts

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Fiz esse teste te animação todo cagado só pra esta o krita, eu sei q tem muito errinho mas eu só queria real testar o krita

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