Que vivan las relaciones poliamorosas donde todos se aman por igual! >:D

Que viva el Mikellimba! Ahre XD

(No sabia como hacer el trio, así que improvise xd)

78 1001

Tried to cover Six's music box on kalimba

5 23

After 2nd day of having the Kalimba, this is my progress 😊 it's a little difficult cause I'm bad at reading taps so I'm just memorizing, brain gotta work!!
Song: Weight of the World
Art: @/kanohaane

9 29

Pencabutan limbah abu batubara dari kategori bahan beracun dan berbahaya (B3) oleh Presiden adalah sebuah langkah mundur dalam upaya mengurangi kerusakan lingkungan di Indonesia. Dampaknya juga sangat membahayakan bagi kesehatan masyarakat.

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🎨Art in Detail.
1. Étienne Adolphe Piot (c.1825 – c.1910), France.
2. Rudolph Bacher (1862–1945), Austria.
3. Adolfo Belimbau (1845 – 1938), Italy.
4. Hans Zatzka (1859-1945), Austria.

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anyways i did a kalimba cover of dawn winery 🥺

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✨ Kalimba con el chanchito ✨

15 129

I needed something to warm up
I'm sorry Hamu...

3 17

💙 The Kalimba playing Bard, Blue 💙 The more childish and optimistic of her party, she is dedicated to boosting moral. Thank you, for letting me draw her!

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Russell T. Limbach (1904-1971) Winter Night, 1939

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ALSO: I can't tell if Mr. Garrison did a tribute to or an unintentional parody of conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh, who died last week. He's that massive a moron.

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I tried to draw Hamulily with gesugao.

2 19

Morning Twitter
by Dan Veesenmeyer
by Jarbas Antonio
by Claudiu Limbasan

5 21

in honor of his death I present, Rush Limbaugh discussing US Senator Sherrod Brown, who is white.

4 28

Congrats to satan on getting a new toilet installed today

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My caricature of Rush Limbaugh for The New Yorker (2012)

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orin on her way to personally deliver rush limbaugh to hell

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