2/4 of the main characters for Game of the Sky, the book I'm writing!
Young troublemakers with big dreams of learning magic and having an adventure find themselves wrapped up in a bizarre mystery involving ghosts and an illusory world.
Art done by: https://t.co/yYNw3ZRRRn

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571 - Zoroark
Type: Dark

Each has the ability to fool a large group of people simultaneously. They protect their lair with illusory scenery.

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Now, our final player announcement for our upcoming campaign, it's Red as Milk!

Milk is a spy for the Arcane Brotherhood, with a flare for interrogation and an illusory dress for every occasion. His unusual visage has been painted by .

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"Nos tranquiliza la simple secuencia, la ilusoria sucesión de hechos. Sin embargo, hay una gran divergencia entre una confortable narración y la realidad brutal del mundo."
Vila-Matas: Sobre "Finnegan's Wake", Monsieur Hire y los "dos mundos" de Chejfec https://t.co/5D2jKojWeb

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571 - Zoroark
Type: Dark

Each has the ability to fool a large group of people simultaneously. They protect their lair with illusory scenery.

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-Punk/Mary River
-Peligro extinción
-Pueden obtener oxígeno por cloaca (ano) bajo el agua y pulmonar en superficie
-Puede estar 3 días bajo agua
-50 cm caparazón
-Pelo son algas
-Cola 2/3 del caparazón
-25 años en ser adultas
/Elusor macrurus/

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And then tried a full body sort of thing, this time without armor. If you're curious, the ears are a magical, illusory gift from the soul of a true hero, RABBIT MAN!

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E se io ti dicessi
ancora in sogno...
Persino le ombre
Sono nostre amiche,
E l’illusorio tempo
Ci invidia
Per le nostre risa,
Per ciò che siamo
E creiamo intorno🌹🌸🌹

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un tormento, svincoliamo occupando ogni area libera della mente con “qualcosa” con l’illusoria promessa che non ci sia nessun conto da pagare a fine giornata.. ma inevitabili saranno i sogni.

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Battle Pass

Skadi Ondurgud, Blood Dance, Super-☆ Sonata, and Monet are now purchasable!
======6th BP Season: [Illusory Gallery]======
[Access Requirements] Captains of Lv.20 or higher can unlock Vanguard BP for free
[Season Duration] 04:00, APR 6 ~ 04:00, MAY 11

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Although if we want to talk anomalous (illusory) motion, this one is the king

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I don't think I posted the full image here, but here's my Arcana Apprentice design. I could never settle on their colors...😅btw they practiced wind/illusory magic 👀✨

I ended up changing up their outfit for another character in a diff. story

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ハマグリぐっちーが、日曜日をお知らせします( ゚д゚)🐚

ハマグリ(蛤、文蛤、蚌、浜栗、Meretrix lusoria)は、マルスダレガイ上科 マルスダレガイ科に分類される二枚貝の1種である。食用として重要な貝類の一つである日本の俳句文化においては春の季語の一つ。

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Lavender Endroll - 2012 & 2018. Dr. Realist's design had changed since then.

PLEASE CHECK Cosmo-P's "Hoshi no Shoujo to Gensou Rakudo / Star Girl and The Illusory Musical Paradise" series!!!

It's severely underrated for such a polished short series. You won't regret it.

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