(1/3) she was a sk8r boi he was a sk8r grl can i m8ke it anymore obvious

[from chapter 2 of my graphic novel DREAMOVER: https://t.co/NDTJj6JAVB]

lmao gotta finish this graphic novel before SPX u_u

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M8 仲良しメンズ妄想と幻覚

48 170

Hi m8! Lgbtq PNGtuber here!

im Biromantic (romanticly interested in more than 1 gender but not sexualy)

and a Genderfluid transman! :D He/They UWU

0 3

We are giving away a M7 gangster oompa loompa to a lucky winner ! Come join us ! Your gangster oompa loompa will put you into our daily spin where you can win ETH or NFTs!



Tag 3 friends!

Good Luck everyone!!

p.s we are minting M8! .03 ETH!

30 43

Little caricature of i made just for the lolz. you don't mind me posting it here do ya?
Anyways, have a good one, m8 ( o3o)/

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Chekkit m8😎
If we get 600+ Followers, ✨️FREE Art✨️

1 1

here ya go m8 if ya feel like it kekw

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(First image by ded-m8 on artfight)

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haya m8! ^^ thanks for submitting your avatar! wanna make surei have the right one here, is this one yours?

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Thx for the opportunity m8! Here's midnight!

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14 39

u look pretty cute, m8...
Eh... all i got for now is this meme'd png lol

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K so, one of my m8s on discord keep asking what'd i do if i were a girl... and today he went at it again so i asked to draw that as a joke... and boy did they deliver :D i guess this counts as cursed? xD
Again, thx m8

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Congrats, m8!😎

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熊本鎮台の参謀:中岡黙 少尉(岡山藩士)←eliteでしょうかね
M10)西南戦争で籠城 12月陸軍卿官房に配属
rinkは鹿児島 種田政明司令長官 https://t.co/gWU6eSxCky

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