Did a lil practice at digital painting last night, this ended up having a very Macbeth feel

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Roger Furse's design for Banquo in the 1955 Macbeth - and with Macbeth, meeting the witches, dir. Glen Byam Shaw 📸Angus McBean. Laurence Olivier as Macbeth and Ralph Michael as Banquo.

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I think I liked Romeo and Juliet a bit more than Macbeth tbh, mostly bc every character is batshit insane and this made it more enjoyable. lmao Romeo, Juliet, Mercutio, Tybalt, Lord Capulet, the Friar, they're all out of their fucking minds. 😭 https://t.co/JplOl6CjXL

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Top 3 Individual Stories of 2021

The Curse of Lady Macbeth

When I imagined the potential of Eccleston doing BF, it was never *this* good

A great script, cast, concepts, & delivery, this is the Ninth Doctor at his very best~


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맥베스 씨 : 스라소니
Mr.Macbeth : Eurasian lynx

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Ended up reading Macbeth today. It's pretty much the first play I ever read post-high school lmao, and I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. I did listen to an audiobook (more like a dramatic reading) at the same time and that certainly helped. Makes the play more vibrant imo. 🦍

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Macbeth, Act 5 Scene 5

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Iago’s Japanese name in Fates is Macbeth.

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Decided to put these 2 together.

Duncan Macbeth and Mary Himiko are [REDACTED] they have extraordinary physical abilities and lifespans because of [REDACTED] and this all dates back to [READACTED].

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Duncan Macbeth (Tartan) sketch

Huh, I wonder why he has those markings on him 🤔

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Bruh, I gots so many lol

Here's a few though XD

My Sona, Lex the Fox
The Macbeth twins: Conspiracy-Hog, Lightning and, Theater-hog, Spectre
And my edgy Kenny (Ken), whose design has stayed basically the same for like 11 years lol

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Jack Carter as Macbeth, Kenneth Renwick and George Nixon as the Murderers, in the 1936 Federal Theatre Project production (the 'Voodoo Macbeth') at the Lafayette Theatre, Harlem. Dir. Orson Welles, des. Nat Karson. Karson's design for the set's permanent backdrop is to the right.

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Duncan was not killed in his bed by Macbeth: Regardless of who actually killed him, it is clear that Duncan met his end on the battlefield rather than treacherously in bed. https://t.co/TfN3kpD9Qw

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have my Macbeth twins XD

Good ol' Conspiracy-Hog, Lightning and Theater-hog, Spectre lol

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I want to redesign Tartan (main villain of my story) soon. So for now, here's a Tartan (Duncan Macbeth) appreciation thread

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A24配給、12月はまだこの2つが残ってるんだった。The Tragedy of Macbethはこの間IMAXでの上映会があったけど近所の映画館ではやってなくて行けず… IMAXで観る機会は今後もあるんだろうか。Apple TV+でも配信されるけど、家のテレビでなんて絶対観たくないよ

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Are you a wrestling fan?

Get front row seats to an all-out-fight for glory on December 8th in THE CRIMSON CAGE by writer (Hotell) and artist (Sea of Sorrows).

Click on Bio Link: https://t.co/oMiWYxJP54

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