Maruna's expression, I'm dead djskjsjssj

0 8

Oh yeah, Ran's situation would be hard to understand for someone like Maruna. I'm so curious about how their dynamic has developed throughout this long and tiresome journey

0 8

I wanted to check out another translation and this is even more interesting. Maruna says "I see, that's why we were there for so long". Hmm... I'm sure I'll understand this interaction better later on

0 7

Oh, that was one of the most interesting interactions I've ever seen in what was that? It seems like Maruna wanted Agni to use insight to show what he and Ran have been through but I'm not sure what exactly happened afterwards. Did Agni not wanna use insight?

0 7

I finally got to meet Maruna's mother, she seems like a cool person

0 8

Maruna's amazing drawing skills strike again😂😂

0 10

Unfortunately, Maruna is right in everything he just said. Even though technically Gandharva has stopped killing humans, he did not learn the necessary lesson he needed to learn. So, him not murdering those humans himself does not mean that his hands are clean

0 9

Have I talked about how much I love Maruna recently💜 Jokes aside, I'm sure either Siera or someone else will save her

0 7

Holy shit, Maruna! Should I be happy about this? Probably not. Am I happy to see her suffer? Yep, a lil bit

0 8

Yeah, I don't think Maruna and most Suras know much about what happens to Nastikas after they die. Does Asha really know, I wonder

0 9

Oh shit, Maruna is coming to murder her ass!! I've never been more proud of him

0 7

I still haven’t done this yet but I’m seeing other people do it so my favorite Kubera characters are:
1. Leez
2. Asha
3. Yuta
4. Brillith
5. Maruna
6. Ran
7. God Kubera
8. Agni
9. Sagara
10. Ganharva

3 15

Starting things off RIGHT with what SHOULD have been the main characters of

5 14

I'm pretty sure he spent an absurdly long amount of time on Konchez and considering what happened to Maruna as well, I can safely believe that some crazy stuff must've happened back there

0 7

Maruna's new form reminds me of the first time I saw him. I thought he looked sick af and once again he looks so freaking cool😁 Also, is Samphati a Taraka now?

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