April, ✨lucky number✨, 13!


Here it is! I've been waiting a while to post this piece, and gosh golly I am SO proud of it! I really hope you love it! Also bonus points if you know what the curtains are from :0

rts appreciated :D

43 306

(Tw: stitches)
Somebody requested a Virgil drawing so everybody give it up for the purp man!

20 76

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie : Coming Soon

A Sander Sides Comic AU

Patton Sanders was always protective over everyone else, like their guardian. What Thomas and the other sides didn’t know was how far he had to go in order to protect them all.

2 5

Uhh tss mermaid au? Idk I made these drawings without thinking sksjxjsjs
♡retweets are appreciated♡

7 56


0 12

Their friendship means everything to me😭💜❤
♡retweets are appreciated♡

24 122

The Sides deal with a 🕷creepy crawly death dealer🕷😱

do you think this is accurate? 😂

4 11

The Milkshake Boys are in Town!!!
Pat: Cotton Candy w/ Gumballs
Virg: Grape Creme w/ Grape Sauce
Rom: Cherry Vanilla w/ Chocolate Sauce
Lo: Blackberry Chocolate Chip
Who's your fav flavor?

33 162

響庵でお世話になっているイラストレーターのMassan 様 より

「【バイノーラル】若女将つづみのおしかけ密着奉仕 CV:美島ゆう」

の素敵なイラストをいただきました ‹‹\(´ω` )/››

Massan 様、ありがとうございます🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️


16 36


✏️イラスト : Massan 様
💻ロゴ : にくじゃが王子 様



10 16

J’ai pris un coup de pied dans la poitrine de la part d’une ado en crise (elle était assise et j’étais face à elle accroupie en train d’essayer de la calmer).

Et j’ai croisé quelqu’un dans le couloir vide alors que je repartais en me massant le sein. Évidemment.

0 72

Cookie run kingdom Sanders Sides🍪(I’m cooking up the dark sides as well☺️including a dark/villain Thomas)

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