Hey, I'm Jess. I'm a comic artist and illustrator with unmedicated ADHD. It's a struggle, always, but the community here has me learning new coping methods all the time.

I've worked with DC, Onipress, BOOM and Darkhorse, and have a love affair with colour

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Diagnosed in first grade and still fighting through it unmedicated a couple decades later. I have trouble retaining information I have learned and seeing patterns. Every picture is a battle I've already fought before. Over and over.

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whoah hi i'm alex! and i legally have to draw in a sketchy style because my unmedicated adhd makes it so i cant focus on lineart 😭

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I actually just recently got diagnosed and medicated (finally) ✌️✌️

I'm Mei! I make Brimstone and Roses on WEBTOON!

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Learning in my adult life how to focus on art while being unmedicated and the things i found i was doing just to stay focused.
coffee. podcasts. music. and a stream. all at the same time

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i finally got diagnosed and medicated for ADHD after struggling for years so hell yeah

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(elementary, middle, high, college) an approximate timeline highlighted by me getting medicated well past when i should’ve already been https://t.co/YDJ5S0Eu95

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I do commissions for portraits to pay bills, feed and medicate pets during this pandemic because my school uniform business is closed. I also need mental health treatment for Bipolar 2 Disorder and ADHD. Support me through commissions or donations ❤️


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Pusing bisa terjadi di darat, laut, bahkan udara. Buat jaga-jaga, sedia Shen Nong Si Four Season Medicated Oil, minyak angin beraroma klasik, andalan untuk membantu menghilangkan gejala sakit kepala, flu, diare, sakit perut, mules, masuk angin, digigit serangga, dan lainnya.

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what a rough day! let’s self medicate

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hello there I'm kair, a parent and small time freelance illustrator. I spend my days caring for my 4yro child, drawing, and learning to live better now that I am newly medicated for my lifelong adhd. I love cartoons, furries, nature, and my daughter! they/she

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My favorit medicated oil!! 😂🧡, its Siang pure oil ( the real name of the product) btw 😄🧡

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Okay so I have 2 mains who I love equally.

Ash you all know (my 1st)

But meet Kokoro my Pine Marten baby designed by @/Kitsunhusk then @/MedicatedCoffee coloured her onto a base she has use of.

Kokoro is a soft baby who loves Meditation, Chakras and Running in countryside.

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im running on red bull and unmedicated ADD lets fuckin go dude

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January vs Now

Can't say if I've gotten worse or better, but I've definitely changed in the last 9+ months.

January I was depressed, anxious, & ready to be done with community college.

Now I'm medicated, but much more likely to wear a mask & punch a fascist. https://t.co/gvjso1wRvS

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January vs September

Went from a tired, overwhelmed, and undiagnosed ADHD high school senior to a not as tired, medicated, and pretty happy graduate

The only thing that hasn’t changed is that in both months i streamed fake type endlessly 😔✨ https://t.co/Q7xhFNb5hp

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// January vs September

January: 3 month manic ep, on new meds, single, heartbreak, bad agoraphobia, struggling with self

September: Medicated, been through some shit, going through shit, less agoraphobia , in relationship, somehow happier with self.

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jan 2020 vs sep 2020

jan: academic crisis, unmedicated, ptsd, in first year of uni

sep: new apt, new academic path, heavily medicated, ptsd lite, better workplace environment, now has energy to do lots of things so now I am more kooky a little wacky https://t.co/yZZrN70Unb

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The Gabrielle Series
Still need:
Perfect Day
Call Me Crazy

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