It's We don't blame anyone for seeing red because of period stigma or a lack of resources in schools and beyond—a topic & address elegantly in Go With The Flow❤️

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Part 3 - In recognition of Indian Heritage Month and Indian Arrival/Survival Day, we will be sharing menstrual stories by Indian women during the 1920s to 1930s.

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It's time we all engage in open conversation about periods and ensure all people who bleed have free access to period products.

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확산 캠페인을 실시합니다🥰🙌

266개 기관 비치 SNS 소개 및 후기 작성 이벤트 진행중! 또한 민간기관 대상 을 받습니다. 선정 시 1년치 생리대·보관함 등 제공!

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Quando Bakugou fica menstruado, a 1A inteira cuida dele. O Todoroki põe a mão quente na barriga dele pra passar a cólica, Sato faz doces pra ele e os Kirideku enchem ele de carinho. (Headcanon)


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Spanish version of the bitch of "Bloody Mary". I seriously had a long day yesterday and figured drawing would help me calm down

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Versión en español de la perra de andrés. Ayer en serio tuve un día largo y supuse que dibujar me ayudaría a calmarme.

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So lovely to chair ’s tonight!! 🩸

Lots of honest discussions about trans inclusivity within the space - special thanks to Ben for sharing his experiences 👏

Feeling very grateful to be able to chat about cramps free of judgement! 🙏

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"Hola, somos tu menstruación"

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We bloody LOVE this artwork by Carly Ayre ❤️

A little cheesy reminder/PSA that there are no limits to what you can do when you're on your period, whatever that looks like.


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is running a focus group THIS THURSDAY 6.30pm-8.30pm for The Black Women’s Menstrual Health Project.🩸

Sign up & complete their survey to get involved:

Please contact with any questions.

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my new brand of products for men
tag line: "You can spell menstruation with out MEN!"

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Es ist Hummels Ehrentag! 🐝 Zu diesem festlichen Anlass möchte Zebrasus einen wunderschönen 🌻 Blumenstrauß für sie pflücken. Wie viele Blumen findest Du in Luftballonien?

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Mumbaikars, We need you!
To all frontline and healthcare workers in Mumbai, If you are menstruating, using and changing a pad again and again can get very difficult. We at Titli are donating and delivering menstrual cups to you free of cost, as a salutation to your dedication!

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Odio los días previos a tener la regla😡 no tengo ni fuerzas ni ánimos😣 y este tiempo de 💩no ayuda nada. Así es mi mood hoy:

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Aquela calça novinha e desce a menstruação, ela é sacana 😂😂😂

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Amigrifas hoy empecé a menstruar y no me dió PMS, desde que uso rapé, me hago masajes y lavados uterinos ya no tengo colicos ni PMS. 👽💞 La motita también ha ayudado, que bonita es la autoaceptación y sanación. 💖💕

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„#PinkyGloves bei Menstruationsblutung:
Erfinder ernten Shitstorm“

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