Miumi has a crush on her postman, Junta, ever since he whisked her to her bed when she collapsed with a fever. She wants to go deeper with him, but there's the prophecy she received as a child...

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62 654

From Tumblr: namiumi:

this is a pic from my fanfic “Rumours” on Ao3! (❁´◡`❁) it’s my first ever fic, so please be kind!! More here: https://t.co/8s7cT2gebv

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構図・線画・・・@ umiumi_sorasora
塗り・・・@ ichigo_naroya

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Just a drawing of & based on a certain photo for their (accidental) friendship anniversary. Nothing more.

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フルーツパニック~ドリアンver~ - muhmue vo.桃箱 (vanillamiumiu)

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Something random I made a few days ago based on (at)kurosaki_sasori's rebooted character design.

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Diorとヴィヴィアンとイヴ・サンローランとmiumiuとジャスティンというわたしのすっきをたくさん詰め込みました₍ ᐢ. ̫ .ᐢ ₎
こんな女の子になりたい₍ ᐢ. ̫ .ᐢ ₎

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ちょっと前だけど、miumiu のairpodsケースついに買っちゃった🥰❤︎ラブレターシリーズが一番好き💌予定がことごとくキャンセルになるから、せめて可愛いもの買って仕事頑張るモチベーションを保ってゆきたい🐻💓

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