New hairstyle + freckles for Stormfront Cookie, need to do more with my OCs

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Yo made a cookie OC and I'm so invested in this idea

Perfume cookie my love🙏#notsafeforcookies

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Tried some pixel art brushes, It felt kinda weird so I'll probably try again later and go back to my usual
It did make my handwriting look very cute, though~
I'll give y'all actual porn next time, don't worry

7 31

This was one of my first drawings with a tablet, so I ended up making it too small on accident 😔
Anyways Beet is a cutie on her farm outfit

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Collab With
Thank you very much, I love your style of drawing 🥺💞💞

5 21

Gave this one some really messy colour for now just to see how it looks, would people want me to clean this one up and finish it properly?

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One day I'll be able to get that smugness to look just right 😔

Mocha Ray won the poll tho so here she is as promised!

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I was coerced, forced even, to draw Timekeeper-
I think it actually turned out really nice tbh
(background is taken from in-game)

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[Repost] More foul stuff from the past 😔💦

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Ah sí <3 Siguiendo con la idea del Minty amarrado por san valentín conseguí algo más elaborado después de dos días de lucha XD Mint choco cookie x Rocstar <3

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prepare for a night rendezvous and flirt~

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They are having a good time :Зс

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IDK, The christmas decorations they serve for many things 🤭🤭🤭

Sorry Ananas. But I love to see you so lewd

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Ah. I dont know why I love this costume
drawing this calms me down
Got bad mood today, also tired as fuck

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