Day 4 of is rokurokubi! She’s so tired and always ready for a nap but hates when her head wanders off so she doesn’t sleep much 😪😪😪

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So I'mma do a few days of inktober from the list,,, my first is for day 4: Rokurokubi and I'm actually quite happy with how this turned out

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Inktober Day 4 - Rokurokubi

still goin strong on day 4! ✨ haha im both proud and freaked out at what I drew myself 😂

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Here's my next monster, the Ausebadder (from a phonetic altering of "Outside Body"). It's loosely based on the Rokurokubi from Japanese folklore.

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The snake teacher in the Flower Capital.

Hope Luffy won't call her Salome.

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Birthday Countdown A Starting Stretch From Trucy!
Every year, I have a little ritual countdown 5-6 days before my birthday. It's a fun lil challenge where I try to draw an OC of mine everyday before my birthday! For Day Six I drew Trucy, my rokurokubi rookie news gal! (^_^)

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Here’s my piece ‘Rokurokubi’ for Folklore Exhibition by ✨ On tonight 6-8, check the location of this! It’s going to be great and I’m very grateful to be in it!

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カッコよくでけた(^ ^)    

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A yokai whose neck can extend
I was debating whether to post this or not, because i feel it isn't as nice as my other drawings :/

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a commission i forgot to upload , for tokubiko @ dA

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Rokurokubi ろくろ首, 轆轤首 🌸 "When people sleep, the necks stretch."

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TOKUBI Quartet feat.しょたんば本丸行きパスケース!!

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Las tres cabezas ("kashira") de 'El viaje de Chihiro' están inspiradas en el cuento 'Rokurokubi' de Lafcadio Hearn.

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