"You wanna play games ?"

Saw day 1 and god, I just LOVED every second of it. And now I want to draw every scene, lol. (I won't draw spoiler now dw) Doc Ock is my fav villain of the Spiderman movies soo he's first! 👀

199 696

Стильный, прекрасный, невероятный и брюзжащий 🐙🐙🐙

23 147

Just some vanilla flavored Doc of the Ock. More sketches on da way. Haha he has a very unfortunate tag. Do cock? Don't cock?

3 13

is the BEST Doc Ock is my favorite Spider-Man character, and Mr. Molina put so much heart into him!
I also love the turtleneck. I know it was probable for Digital reasons, but I don’t care. It’s great!🐢

7 44

These are the only spoiler free art I have at the moment. Imma wait and sit before I share anymore content...

Also such a mood to battle your inner demons in your PJs/ragged gowns.

58 292

Cannot wait to see Doc Ock in action again 😍💕

9 84

Do Not Enter's written on the door way
Why can't everyone just go away?
Except you. You can stay

37 211

С тобой иду по дну
В плену весенних губ я утону

25 197

Когда щупальца Октавиуса вьются в воздухе, стараясь прихлопнуть надоедливое насекомое, Питеру приходится включать всю свою изворотливость, проскальзывая в самые маленькие щели и уворачиваясь от чертовски смертоносных ударов...

13 163

я не умею в полноценки но меня это не остановит!!!!

129 802