There are three bear pokemon lines, one based on the brown bear and moon bear (teddiursa/ursaring) one on the polar bear (cubchoo/beartic) and one on pandas (pancham/pangoro). Spectacled bear pokemon in my gen 9 pls pls pls you're nothing

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hmm. the worse pancham

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674 - Pancham
Type: Fighting

It does its best to be taken seriously by its enemies, but its glare is not sufficiently intimidating. Chewing on a leaf is its trademark.

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who’s that pokemon? i drew sapnap as pancham, dream as mimikyu and george as oshawott! who would you choose as a starter? :)

322 1569

PanXian y PanMao
Tipo: Lucha/Normal
Contraparte Hembra de Pancham y Pangoro
a Diferencia de estos Crean Armas con su Alimento Favorito el Bamboo
Entrenan Sin Parar para Evitar el Sobrepeso Pues Aumenta de Peso Facilmente

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판짱 / pancham

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I love how these two bicker like a couple of children XD

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Some believe that the eagle-snake symbol on the Mexican flag is linked to the eagle & serpent legend from Puranas (Garuda eats snakes in Mahabharat); & symbolizes the possible spread of Hindu ideas in Americas during ancient times 🙏

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674 - Pancham
Type: Fighting

It does its best to be taken seriously by its enemies, but its glare is not sufficiently intimidating. Chewing on a leaf is its trademark.

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Have a Pancham that got hired at that new restaurant

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Pancham gets a super cool DM after work from that cute girl he likes.

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Pokémon Café Mix! Cautious regarding monetization/gameplay model, but I do love the art and the general premise of managing and upgrading a cafe.

I mean, if nothing else, it gifted us with barista Pancham, Lucario, Steenee, Sneasel...

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Day 64 - 69

19 - 21.05.20

In the run-up to the new Pokemon DLC, Isle of Armour, I was focused on compleibg my pokedex, but got too distracted by the panda boys...

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