I always hear people say pugs look so sad... I think this pic proves otherwise 😄🐾 https://t.co/dVVohB6q4i

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Batpug may live in the shadows... But I do enjoy a good sun bath 😎🐶 https://t.co/dOV2Th8oiX

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It's Friday! Time for a close up 😎🐾 https://t.co/dNGZxoUA8S

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When someone thinks they can take your favourite sitting spot 😠🐾 https://t.co/CnsGobGl7o

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When it's Saturday night but you're way too comfy to go out 😴🐾 https://t.co/ROVY9tGgbg

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When you walk past the pizza shop on diet week 😛🍕🐾 https://t.co/fmX1F6Yqi2

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When you wake up and realise it's Monday again 😳🐾 https://t.co/GOtJC50PGe

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When I bark, am I actually saying the word 'woof'? 🤔 https://t.co/bzq2pVzzhh

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I like a good scarf but this is just ridiculous 😳🐾 https://t.co/ityOLzP4SS

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I dunno man, what if I never find out who's a good boy? 🐾 https://t.co/Q39QGP7o4L

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It's Friday so Dad and me are getting on it. Cheers everyone! 🍻🐾 https://t.co/p7Pd4uZ5Xo

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When the weekend is so close you can smell it... Or is that a pizza?! 😴😳🍕 https://t.co/wYBxHtkBNS

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When you're having a good hair day, anyone is allowed to take a photo of you 😘🐾 https://t.co/nBOdYUKi4C

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Monday must be over by now... Right? 😔🐾 https://t.co/81hKxUBH7g

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Sad to be done already.
Back to things that are not pugs

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