画質 高画質

Quarter Circle is now on Global Comix and Tapas. It’s about a kid learning to play a fighting game from scratch.

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I don't know how I'm supposed to choose but these 4 are ones I keep thinking yessss I love this design

Hex, Dawn, Minuet and Quartz! https://t.co/WkHUcowZGw

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Hej! 👋🏽

Q1 dump. I worked on more websites than apps this quarter. I want to work on more apps in Q2. It was an interesting ride. God is good.

I am available for full time, contract, and freelance work.

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estavam pendurados na parede. Apavorada, ela trancou o quarto, mas não viu que o 🩸 havia sujado a chave.

Quando Barba Azul retornou, imediatamente percebeu que sua esposa estava estranha, um pouco apavorada, então logo desconfiou pedindo a chave. 👇

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Logo que o rapaz se ausentou, a mulher começou a sofrer de grande curiosidade sobre o quarto proibido, chamou sua irmã para que a fizesse companhia durante a viagem de seu esposo, acabou contando sobre o misterioso quarto para a irmã que a convenceu a entrar no quarto.👇

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Pouco tempo depois, Barba Azul avisou que iria viajar por uns tempos; o mesmo trataria de negócios para manter sua grande riqueza, ele entregou todas as chaves da casa para sua esposa, incluindo a de um pequeno quarto que ele a proibiu de entrar.👇

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Fashion wise, I almost wear the exact same clothes to the point where a quarter of my shirts were purchased pre-2010.

My skin got better and I mellowed out in like 12 years.
I need a haircut tho https://t.co/JZM6KTpqOB

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Blum: Rose Quartz - simple

2am drawing last night…

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Three out of the four giant thescelornids have been completed, the quartet shall be whole soon

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📢#Call for
IJDDR is an international peer-reviewed quarterly, scientific and professional journal. https://t.co/O65ZJiEaFg.
submit manuscript online at https://t.co/iyddseuz0N.

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“I’ll be okay, Steven. I’m just tired.”

A likely story!! He can sense that something’s up with his lovely gf and wants to help her~

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Something different!
I'm going to be transparent: I forgot how coins worked, and thought of quarters than nickels. I'm the idiot here. owq
Testing how to draw in a comic style, might need some extra work...

characters belong to

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voltando com os desenhos dos bichinhos dos seguidores com o quarteto da 😺🐱 https://t.co/EsGvCSfzjO

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Do you have your quarters ready?

You won't want to miss out on this THRILLING competition for charity!
💥🛩️ Play the F-14 Tomcat Pinball Machine and compete for the top score! 🛩️💥

Follow along with the Pinball Charity event with

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