画質 高画質

お品書き 】

西か-10a <Creation Memory>


23 28

I'm hard at work on Okabamadara, heres a wip of one of the first pages. There are no backgrounds yet but I'm going to try creating detailed backgrounds from 3d environments, just to see what it'll be like. That's how the pros do it, right?

3 117

Gallery IYN様にて開催される『 Cute 』展に参加させていただきます!何卒よろしくお願いいたします🙇

会場:Gallery IYN / Creation Cafe IYN

11 44

Would this image suffice for your needs? As for creating other characters, I don't have plans for that at the moment. The reason is that the concept behind this image was to depict a fantasy character as I envisioned it

0 4

Let’s be honest, Futaba is not doing all those face to face meetings.


13 200

BAJDJJD i still have a couple of your creations saved

0 4

I'm creating candy charmfor C103~!Production company sent me a photo ♡ 
C103向けにキャンディチャーム作っているのですが業者さんが写真送ってくれました♡ 放蛍/Wanlumi

44 476

A little recreation mod 2 years later wouldn't hurt,,, I suppose

(Ion wanna animate both Mammon and Miki but here I am ig 🥶) https://t.co/xfEQAkxowS

2 39

An illustration for the fanfiction "Lullaby" by my talented friend . Thank you for your creativity! For me it shines like a star!

27 236

These are each a draft picture and a completed picture :)

He is my creative character and a wizard.

He is traveling https://t.co/2xkxrqRV34 case of sudden danger, he cannot cast a magic spell in time, so he fight against it with a white battle.

0 2

Trick-or-treating was a whole month ago, Princess

39 275

📢 I accept orders for a total of "4" people !
📢 Currently, character design and precise background creation options are suspended.

For more information on submitting requests and commissions, please visit the link below!

6 30

「HELLO WORLD/Creative A GOGO 3 世界をデザインする」イラストメイキング本 第3弾!「発想」をテーマに世界、キャラ、文明、のデザインを考えるとき役に立つヒントを解説。A4・フルカラー・24ページ 1000円
サークル:サイレント スペース:D11b

13 112

12/3にビッグサイトで開催されるコミティア146に参加します!今回の新刊はイラストメイキング本「HELLO WORLD / Creative A GOGO#3世界をデザインする 」イラストに使えるヒントを詰め込みました。ぜひ遊びに来てね!
サークル:サイレント スペース:D11b

20 69

Delusion (undetermined)
I want to make a character, but I'm also busy doing other things.
I want to put balance adjustment aside for now and move on to the creation phase.
キャラクター作りたいなぁと思いつつ、色々他の作業もてんこもり状態… https://t.co/72CLPfCT9T

8 32

Sometime I just love her look or her style there and this just made me wanna try creating these kind of art🖌️

51 655

Cirno advice

Creativity can come from anywhere,
even in a cardboard box full of imagination

148 765

Urs! the bat cebbie! good tattoo artist in their town, and one of the most creative and cool sibling Vee has met!

24 217

I would like to express my gratitude once again to hololive, Miko, Towa, and Amelia for the opportunity.

I also had the privilege of creating illustrations for the iPASS card set, including the inner pages and keychain cards.

I put careful consideration into the selection… https://t.co/0tf01Kzl2F

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