Let’s pretend they got that dog

17 135

Seb’s plan to help. He just knows his dads need to stay together so he doesn’t have to look after daddy Aaron on his own.

21 141

Imagine they get to go to Sam and Lydia’s wedding and Robert manages to get Aaron drunk enough to dance with him.

18 108

A post prison reunion 3.0 desperate kiss with both of them sporting beards of sorrow.

24 146

Robert and Aaron are understandably a little stressed these days. Doug gives them a way to relax.

16 154

Bernice hosts a onesie party in the village and Aaron drags Robert along because he’s apparently into fancy dress village events. He buys Robert a pineapple onesie to wear.

18 108

Robron, Seb, baby Annie, their dog and the stray cat that adopted them. What do you mean this isn’t all happening right now?! Haha

31 155

Extreme fluff ruffle

17 109

To escape his fate, Robert and Aaron run off to Roswell to hang out with their new best friends Michael and Alex. They discover that dipping chips, as they call them, in milkshakes is actually delicious.

14 116

Aaron gets Robert to go on that run.

14 102

Stranger Things 3 inspired Robron

9 95

One more ode to the neon underwear.

16 139

The neon underwear needs to be represented

10 115

Exit story? What exit story? This is all that happened on Friday.

19 141

Let’s just live here in Aaron’s cowboy fantasy...

12 94