lazy kitsune saiguu doodle

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Why must you hide your face with this mask?
- Chiyo to Kitsune Saiguu

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// genshin spoiler for the sakura cleansing quest

Kitsune saiguu’s last words before her final parting

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tbf there's a lot going on in that image
Kokomi's vision has a hydro symbol in the same illustration, so I think Yae's was just too small to add that detail (you can still see the Inazuman vision case around it, contrary to Saiguu's)

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yae and saiguu

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i was thinking last night that Saiguu is probably a fluffy white Yae. This was a part of an art I'm working on but since we get to see Saiguu's actual design, I'm gonna scrap this but show it anyway hehe. My little YaeBaal heart...

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Who's in Baal's Teaser? ⚡️

Opening with a shot of her closest allies that fell one by one, here's what we know of the tengu general Sasayuri, the oni Chiyo, and Kitsune Saiguu.

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might be a reach but i kinda think the giant statue in inazuma resembles each of baal's friends.. sasayuri's wings, chiyo's likeness, saiguu's hair...

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Kitsune Saigu (Kazari backstory); Chiyo (Backstory sent below); Tengu (Killed by Oroshi, the giant snake that Baal killed)

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the last person baal lost was saiguu, and she was the one who said to the shogun “do not be blinded. do not waver. keep walking the path you believe in.” as her last words right before her body and memories were broken down and turned into filth

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No thoughts....only kitsune saiguu's official design

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Shigeyori Kujou(?), Chiyo the oni, and KITSUNE SAIGUU.

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kitsune saiguu also has white hair and a pipe... just like ningguang... baal has a type 👀

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