You know it's true love, when your Boyfriend is rooting for you.... even sheds tears because of your happiness...

8 19

Asahi: Can I get a kiss if I win, hmm?

Ikuya: Don't push your luck, baka Asahi.

12 21

Actually.. married...

💍 💍 💍

5 13

Asaiku - OTP

I feel endless love for those two...


8 14

Can't take my eyes off you. You feel like heaven to touch. I wanna hold you so much.

5 11

Thnks for the artshare!

I'm saikun who likes drawing anime characters and here are some of my artworkss <3

2 12

Thnkss for the artshare

I'm saikun who likes drawing anime characters and here are some of my artworks <3

0 7

📺きょう深夜1:25「 !?」

初デートで寝坊した時 彼女の怒りを和らげる謝り方

目が覚めたら初デートの待ち合わせ時間・・・彼女の怒りを和らげるには?母性をナメんな! が猛ダメ出し😠

6 6

Thnks for the artshare!
i'm saikun who likes drawing anime characters and here are my recent artworks

0 4

Thnks for the art thread
i'm saikun who likes drawing anime characters and here are my recent artworks

1 6

Thnks for the artshare

I'm saikun who likes drawing anime characters and here are my recent artworks

1 9

📺きょう深夜1:25「 !?」


下手くそ ! が呆れた問題作とは?ゲストも思わずニヤけた素敵な誘い方をしたのは? 独特な恋愛観も・・・

19 22

📺きょう深夜1:25「 !?」




4 5

yiss thnks for the artsharee
Congratss for reaching 700
i'm saikun who likes drawing anime char
and here are some of my artworks

15 47

thnkss for the artshare
I'm saikun who likes drawing anime characters and here some of my artowkrs

1 6

Working on outfit refs and have the base down. Will have hair styles and outfits. Also Saiku doesn't have fur (besides on his tail and ears) its just skin that's yellow with dots for future reference.

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