Made a female tanner from scrutinized it's so bad-
But maybe her name would be Tanya?

0 2

When she catches you creeping in the yard and the breaker trips just right

13 130

Panty theif Tanner is probably the funniest thing ever X'D

13 91

been watching a whole lot of , and tanner is kind of a loveable greaseball

4 44

You know he may be a killer but at least he has a good sense of fashion, better than mine at least 🤷‍♀️ Anyway hope you like this little fanart that I made of Tanner :)

13 141

Say hello to Tanner!
He's one of the enemies from , a game made by .
It's a really fun, scary and thrilling game.
I fell in love with Tanner's character, what made it a no brainer for me to draw him, or at least try to.
Enjoy ~

“Until next time...Luna...”

5 32

This sketch will probably cost me some followers, but screw it, I'm not going to censor myself for clout
A drawing is a drawing
The moment you say X/Y fetish is not allowed in fiction, then you're exposing your own fetish to the same scrutiny

62 267

Gotta check those BOLO’s... Luna from scrutinized! Im so invested in watching people play this game 💗😊

0 19

Decided to draw Tanner from Scrutinized cuz he's my new fictional crush now lol

Plus I just found out he has a crush on Luna (the MC)

0 13

This has to be my second favorite line in the game.

13 140

He likes panties. <3
A man after my own heart.


6 46

Tanner from the new pc game scrutinized! I got a lil crush on him😭💗💗😍😍 like and follow for more!

4 46

He can't help himself, he's a very touchy, feely little pervert when it comes to gals he loves.

5 43

So you do art, you do music, you DM and you've managed to watch the entirety of CR season 1 in a few days. Plus no literary or cinematic publication escapes your scrutiny. I don't know how many eyes are necessary to keep track of all this, but it's a lot. You are a Beholder.

0 2

Luna (To my knowlege) doesn't have a set appearance, so I figured I'd draw her with Tanner in my own style! <3

8 55

"Be quiet, and do try not to get my lab coat bloody~"

Gonna be drawing this man for awhile. OTL

13 121

When you're playing and Tanner gets you for the third fucking time in a row.

9 96

Romance for males is a weird genre because of how scrutinized it gets sometimes. Like the genre exists in shonen and seinen but it's feel like people either call it too idealized or try to write weird shit about how it does not represent reality.

26 88

If she was nervous in speaking to her king, Aveline did not show it. She kept on one knee with her head bent. Her chain mail and tabard concealed her womanly shape and only the closest of scrutiny would reveal her identity.

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