The amount of corsola I've caught, and not one shiny...

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A b-day gift for on 21th of February. May your day be shiny. ✨😊✨

2 30

I almost lost a shiny Spheal because of a skorupi during my playthrough I thankfully managed to catch it but I was a little bitter at first so… It was my first shiny.

1 4

C-couldn't resist >~<
Being a shiny....squeaky...nulged GardeKigu is too good~<3
Just need to be "trained" now~ ;3
(by )

15 64

Based off my favorite plush I've had for ages named Binky! The names are a mix of "Binky" and "Cape/Cloak" The blue version is the shiny. They both float around to move, and can wrap their blanket like body around others to keep them safe :]

0 2

Seriously though, I think Garchomp needs a new Shiny. I can hardly tell the difference between a Shiny Garchomp and a normal Garchomp in certain lighting.

The Mega's better in my book. If only because it's more evident that it's Shiny.

0 3

"Very glamorous...shiny....omg I'm going blind"
Comm for

17 36

Jumpluff has a great shiny. I love the pinkums.

9 19

i think if ms toes was a pkmn shed be a smaller than usual furret :) maybe shiny... is pink

0 7

Exactly! Here's another example. The left is regular while the right is a shiny.

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Not much. Made the ant shiny.

(idfk tags)

0 2

oh....oh my....
well! 1/4096 chance shiny beautifly! my first ever random-chance shiny....

0 2

Smolder is my Charizard character. He's a Mega Y variant that's also shiny. A bit of a bully who really loves picking fights with others. To him the only thing that matters is proving whose the toughest in a fight. Rare instances he has shown some form of kindness to others.

2 11

I have zoruas now. Speculative shiny. Charm order placed already. Preorder for my hisui charms will be going live tomorrow!

0 5

My pc humanized... shes a little shiney, but her case is very shiny. Still not sure of a name for her. She hasn't gotten my full attention, since Ive been working on c*mms.

0 12

Jefes de incursión del Tour de Pokémon GO: Johto
El 📅 26/2 de 9:00 a 21:30 (hora local), estarán los siguientes Legendarios:
▶️ Raikou ✨
▶️ Entei ✨
▶️ Suicune ✨
▶️ Lugia ✨
▶️ Ho-Oh ✨

*Pueden salir Shiny.

10 162

Contagem regressiva pra Legends Arceus e caçando Dialga Shiny...

0 45

Almost done. Gotta give her a venue to perform in.
Yes, she's very shiny. And the hat reads "Taiwan

1 7

The golden flower, so shiny.

5 21

I've heard it's day, so let me introduce to you my bard Melesigenes Wordweaver, a pirate with a bit of a borrowing hobby.

He's shiny.

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