
35 85

Ooh yeah more silmarillion art. Nerdanel, Fëanor and Manwë.

1 3

Ulmo (Lord of Waters and King of the Sea in the Silmarillion) - OttoB63

2 14

winter is coming, Yavanna's hair color is changing again ❄️

18 46

Three more silmarillion studies bc I'm on a roll and its good for me. Nienna, Celebrimbor and Idril. If anyone notices a little Idril<->my mum resemblance that's not an accident.

1 8


0 0

Let's start to count the days to Christmas down!

Luthien meets Huan first time

0 8

P1 Finrod &Celegorm &Orodreth
P2 Fingolfin &Maedhros
P3 msls 🥰

3 17

I like to think it was a Kronk moment, and it plagued him for years :)

1 4

I saw someone ask a while back if it’s ever established in canon whether Mairon ever found out it was Finrod in Tol-in-Gaurhoth. Short answer, after perusing the relevant text: no.

My personal interpretation, for my own amusement, below.

7 15

I'm on a roll with Silmarillion studies even though I haven't read it in years. But Mairon/Sauron will always be strawberry blond and slutty looking. The other two are Yavanna and Varda.

22 43

현명한 핀웨
Wise Finwë

현명한 정신은 강한 육체에 깃들...겠죠? 핑골핀은 무조건 떡대여야 한다고 생감함

39 92

페아나로 쿠루핀웨
Fëanáro Curufinwë

90 194