画質 高画質

🎙”…se sitúa en la cima y en la ladera Norte de una pequeña colina que domina diferentes límites del paisaje: el lugar, los valles y el horizonte quebrado, roto y difuso…”

📸Capilla en Valleaceron
📌Almadén | Ciudad Real | España

10 25

Saw a moot doing this earlier and I think it’s an interesting idea so… hey moots!send your ocs, an outfit and a pose pls! At some point I wanna go on mini drawing spree if y’all wouldn’t mind!

1 6

2021 > 2023. I’m not sure which is better but the right one is JUST a WIP, so…

0 31

Reed saw the inevitable need for a superhero team, so… “To that end, I have shaped the hull of my spacecraft to capture and focus the specific radiation required for our transformation.” He turned them into superheroes without their permission. On purpose.

12 68

been playin lately, so…

Guest of Honor, Triumphant, Skittersquid, Moonbound (didn’t have the right portrait bg for this one)

7 8

I had a dream that the Sumo Onion guy from the scrapped PvZ movie (who I can’t shut about) appearing in ‘s PvZ Uprooted comic, so…I drew it!
(With a “root superpower” alt thingy)

Go read the Uprooted Acts!! It’s really good!!

17 65

and we all know zen is the vampire so…sorry jumin https://t.co/yLclgyuKxl

1 36

apparently it’s thancred day, so… this is (bb teen) thancred.

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Yeah uh I don’t really like this one but it’s the only oneI have of her so…😭 anyway her names Monai

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this style is so… simple

6 53

i haven’t drawn something for myself in a while so… quick sketch of an oc inspired on my favourite gal ever [:

35 250

i started to think that elementals might get pair legendary costumes like sea fairy and moonlight + animation. that means probably wind archer and millennial tree will get their legendary costumes together with animation…

…so…about fire spirit…and that he is ALONE….again

16 334

Been inactive. More surgeries still lined up.

Got progress on my painting style tho so…

Let’s hope my data actually uploads this properly…

1 17


👉🏾👈🏾 here they are
Icons are 20
Chibis are 30
(Also… I only draw furries)

0 2

So… was trending?
Damn I must be late. Just some old drawings

3 22

Tryna think of something to add to my void priest that doesn’t make her look so….generic? Any ideas wow friends?

2 19

I’ve only drawn sheep once before so…I think his redesign is my favorite though

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Hi everyone!!! I still don’t understand Twitter, but just know things are more simple then they are. What’s hard is the discipline required to get it done. Much love!! Also……have a cute waifu

4 56

‘Dreamer’ was 12 when I first met her. A victim of experiences we would never want any young person to experience, I visited her in school.
I was very aware of the maternal instincts evoked in me for this tiny person full of so much hurt. Her eyes would water with pain and also… https://t.co/WLyfSWtkmA

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