the long-anticipated sequel to is launching a pre-sale for a Deluxe Edition DVD of the film. Fans who place their pre-order before 22nd October will receive a special Early Bird price.

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Announcing the Manos Returns Deluxe Edition DVD Pre-Sale!
You can pre-order on our website:

Early Bird Special: If you pre-order your DVD before Oct 22, it will cost only $17 (plus $3.99 shipping* and handling)

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My Opening Farewell - Cuong Vu
어쩌다 시작된 이 가을 트럼펫 이어 듣기!
오늘의 주인공은 Cuong Vu. 2005년 Pat Metheny Group의 ‘The Way Up’ 내한 공연 때 함께 연주하는 걸 보면서 알게 되었다.

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Golden Brown take over Mondays! Hey Golden Brown fans! We need your help... to spread the Golden Brown syrupy love all over the place! Please retweet!

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Our guest list for our new exhibition, ‘Nigeria’s Journey: Cycle of Fashion’, is filling up! Have you registered? Email us your name and phone number
Who knows the history behind this traditional wear?

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А давайте поговорим о кое-чём не менее значимом? Меня убивает логика того, что мы сейчас ругаем пендосов и ЗАБЫВАЕМ ПРО ЯПОНЦЕВ И БСД, У КОТОРОГО ЕСТЬ АУДИТОРИЯ ИЗ МАЛОЛЕТОК. ПРОСТО ПОСМОТРИТЕ НА ЭТО!

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Лень узнать о том, насколько глубока и трагична история этой девочки? Хотите просто заработать денег? Тогда снимайте свои дешёвые помойные комедии о ваших убитых детях
а...вы не можете, ведь вас тогда вздернут
Но и мы не будем молчать

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In 2000, Anastasia and her family were canonized as passion bearers by the Russian Orthodox Church

Respect our country, our history and our people

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In this 10th session, we'd like to share this drawing made by Filipe Augusto. It depicts an Assassin from Feudal Japan!

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commission for Tumblr user allkindsoffandomshere!
I had fun with this!

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3544 Days since the illegal and arbitrary detention of founder Julian Assange began.

497 Days since he was trafficked out of the Ecuadoran embassy after being sold for a $4.2Bil loan to Ecuador✊🍀⏳

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On this 8° session, we'd like to share this drawing made by Jenny Tan, depicting Aveline de Grandpré wearing her Assassin attire!

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Been under the weather so I've been playing Threads of Fate again. Here's more Mint with a pumpkin.

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Y'all know that in Threads of Fate there may not be a limit to your stats? That said I've replayed my NG+ and am well over these numbers by now. There is no end in sight.

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Since Kuna's wrist is out of commission, we're gonna post some older stuff for a bit :D
Here is an old Tales of Symphonia piece that Kuna did about..3-4 years back.

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I did an interview with , and she did these illustrations to go with it.
Best I’ve ever looked 😊😊😊#stylist

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