"Roses are red, Violets are blue, I'm a frakkin' Toaster, and so are you..." Violets are actually purple, not frakkin' blue. But hey, whatever. Details. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Follow - preserving the rich history of the 12 Colonies

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We feel your pain Trent!

Follow - preserving the rich history of the 12 Colonies

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Have you ever wondered who Racetrack was and where she came from? In "The Racetrack Chronicle", a free novel, you can find out. It's available here: https://t.co/6GIEV4jSFm

Follow - preserving the rich history of the 12 Colonies

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The stunt as it appears in Season 4’s "Deadlock" where Caprica Six takes care of The Sons of Ares in Dogville

Follow - preserving the rich history of the 12 Colonies

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Back from the dead with loads of new work from the past several months. Working on my series featuring starships from your favorite SciFi films and games

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The cover of my latest book features a spectacular cover by Chris Scalf depicting many types of Cylons from What do you think, ? Grab a copy of "Somewhere Beyond the Heavens" here: https://t.co/14rhvpyg1b

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As Tigh Week starts to wind down and draws to a close with this penultimate post, how about a few choice pieces of BattlestART of our beloved, irascible XO?

Follow - preserving the rich history of the 12 Colonies

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Our penultimate post for Starbuck week: four choice pieces of gorgeous artwork by [respectively] Adriano Batista, Collin Daugherty, José Robledo and Otis Frampton

Follow - preserving the rich history of the 12 Colonies

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Retrieving the fabled Arrow of Apollo from Caprica played an integral part in not only the Fleet's journey, but in Kara Thrace's own journey of self discovery

Follow - preserving the rich history of the 12 Colonies

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Welcome to all the new Nuggets who Followed us recently - be sure to have a browse thru what the Colonial Archives have uploaded to date - Starbuck week starts Monday!

Follow - preserving the rich history of the 12 Colonies

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Close-up of The First Cylon War painting by Monclair [Ken Rabehl] and in situ in Adama's quarters. A painter of considerable renown given Baltar's reaction to the piece

Follow - preserving the rich history of the 12 Colonies

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NEW! Limited edition Battlestar Galactica art print no.01/200:

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Gaius Baltart...

Follow - preserving the rich history of the 12 Colonies

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