There is no way Anna is gonna be straight. She radiates gay

0 6

Collect these 2 for .55 $ETH and you have three Airdrops. All 1/1 🤫😊

Katakto III — Princesa Caliana

Phobia III — Claustrophobia

Below are the free airdrops. 🤫🙏

1 2

Cosette fanart from Takt Op! Trying to make my workflow even faster. I did this for 2-day art sessions. Let's gooooo!

3 11

Cosette from takt.op destiny

18 86


0 0

I loved the Takt Op plot, as sometimes I like to play the piano

1 8

i thought they looked similar

Anna (Takt Op), Beatrix (gbf)

1 17