Me neither. But then, I loved TLJ and as a lifelong fan, I've never understand the hatred for that movie.

The Luke and Yoda scene remains one of the best ever.

1 2

Reylo drawing I made 2 years ago right after seeing TLJ

8 42

Star Wars Toy Photography throughout the saga.

Episode 9: The Rise of Skywalker

My least favorite of the sequels. The odds were stacked against it. But this movie trys way too hard to unnecessarily course correct from TLJ.

15 74

The Last Jedi (2017): the best Star Wars movie to come out in my lifetime, imho. It takes big risks and receives big payoffs in return. No SW movie has women at the forefront of the story to TLJ's degree, and it's a miracle Rian Johnson got it made

1 1


TLJ: "Play nice with your babysitter."

32 184


50 160

Two years ago, I drew this when TLJ was out. Back then I received many hate messages because of it, but I don’t regret a thing, cause these two were the reason I fell in love with Star Wars and made me want to watch the whole saga.

219 904

Interesting how certain TLJ fans are slowly turning into trolls with their reaction to TRoS.

0 1

holy shit they did what TLJ did on leaving out a crap ton of information for the movie and expect us to already know.

This is just as bad as Halo 5 story.

fucking christ, they should know that not everyone is a hardcore fan that will consume everything.

0 3

remember when this single fanart i drew after TFA was better than anything disney's hacks put in TLJ and TROS

59 262

Star Wars: El ascenso de Skywalker (2019)


Que difícil es ser objetivo con una película así. Me ha gustado la verdad, y se que está lejos de ser una buena peli, pero te seduce con tanto "fan service", sobre todo si, como a mi, no te convenció TLJ. (1/3)

1 1

As seemingly one of the few folks that enjoyed TLJ, I sure hope I enjoy this one too...

0 0


1 30

reposts of reylo i did post-TLJ

im slamming my table

357 918

After seeing I can't help but have a greater appreciation for This tribute made by the during the lead up to TLJ is how I currently feel about 's upcoming trilogy!

4 26

Just 4 days to go!!!!
Looking forward to see what adventures await in this movie. Think he deserves a better journey than his "mission" in TLJ. The amazing portrait is by

0 4

Acabada la maratón. TLJ es cada vez más buena, mi gente. Es que está muy por encima de todas las hechas desde Empire; siento que estoy rodeado de locos cuando se habla mal de ella como nunca lo he sentido con otra película. Lo tiene todo, y sus traspiés son menores.

40 168