Use up those Brown 4 thighs in 2Tabs Olive oil. Remove add 2cloves garlic 1chopped chilli I diced carrot & celery stick, brown. Return thighs add 2tabs stock cube & 4 1/4 & deseeded toms. 2Tabs Tom sauce oregano & S&P Cover simmer 40mins

6 8

Album recommendations, March 31, 2020

The Toms (1979)
Butter 08 – (1996)
WIRE – A Bell is a Cup Until it is Struck (1988)
Lush – Split (1994)

5 51

In Animal Crossing I like two Toms....* and This here is one of them. Me-YOWZA!

*(three if we're counting Tommy)

5 4

Just realized I forgot to draw toms glasses and I already uploaded so honk honk on me I guess

1 9

Didn't feel like being romantic and decided to highlight Susan and Tom's relationship quirk. Toms a drunk moron and Susan still loves him. Some times.

Read here:

1 9

What an unfortunate predicament for the lady. Why is she here? Will she get out?

Only time will tell.

Prize for Taliesaurus of DeviantArt, they won an art drive hosted by toms-mark, also from Deviantart

0 3


Nova coleção de tênis Star Wars baseados nos personagens da nossa saga favorita! Esses são TOMs separados em três categorias: feminino, masculino e crianças!

2 35

black tabby sire x red dam=red toms and tortie mollies, possible smoke.(genders aren't yet decided tho)

3 65

Spider-Man belongs in the MCU. Not only would this rip away Peter from us, but Happy, Aunt May, Michelle, everyone possibly.

And we would be ripping away Toms dream and that’s the worst of all.

Fuck Sony.

1502 6260

trying super low tuning for 10, 14 toms and 14 x 4.25 snare. classic maple with coated emperor and cs coated

0 1


4 66

MAY 24th has passed! No more frost!! Time to garden!! Plant all the things, muthafucka!! Veg: I'm not doing toms this year but I added quinoa & millet. Fruit: new grape, blueberry, varieties. I'll post a master list + flowers.
I have been lazy & not drawing, I offer cute dragon

0 2

SuperGT Rd2 FUJI

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"If it’s raining at the back door, every cat is convinced there’s a good chance it won’t be raining at the front door" - William Toms
Photo: Who by Ulrike Welsch

2 13

Upgrading all 3 PCs today! Just installed a i9-7980XE, new Corsair cooler, and new mother board! Now time to work on my PC then Toms! There’s a chance stream will be canceled today due to the length of time it’s taking to redo all of this, but we so needed these upgrades! 😍

3 48

So the Rating for Toms Story will promptly be for all ages, but push the limits of that area.

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Just wanted to draw some angry Toms lol (now back to doing uni work... 😩)

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