Sasayaki Amiya for takoyakie on DA ❤️ (the same person that I bought Kira from ♥️ ) I really love Amiya and she's (kinda) connected to my OC, Vish, too ;0; ♥️

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Ah I don't think I uploaded either of there ocs here despite having them exist... so, Okemia and Vish, one is a pokemon trainer, the other is... Maybe playing pokemon in her universe.

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Ganhei amarelo alaranjado (vish kk)

só um monte de nenenzinho owwwt <333

Comenta qualquer coisa que eu falo a cor

0 8

é + um desenho meu eeeeeee

Vish kk

1 3

i must for them 😔 and thank you so much Vish 🥺🖤🖤🖤🖤

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A digital illustration art for anna 

this endeavour is not only to spread positivity but also we express love and courtesy to our beloved persons 

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I quite like Vish Kal as a reprint in Double Masters. Due to the collapse of the Anthology series it hasn't seen a reprint since it's 2011 debut. At currently $4+ it's not high value, but I want these one-time Commanders to remain widely available.

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Dei terror chock gostaram
Vish kk

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moments before disaster :D

Vish belongs to
Norvoril belongs to

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Someone tell Vish here where a pearl necklace usually goes... They seem a little confused!

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Vish kk

- Euzinho q desenhei no começo da quarentena

- Comeciiinho de maio eu decidi fazer meu pokémon favorito

- Meu oc q eu fiz lá pro final de maio pra personalizar o perfil

- E essa eu fiz no final de Junho

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- Começo do ano passado
- Final do ano passado
- Começo desse ano
- Hoje em dia


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