Young Wren Silaz. Warbled on making the ladies professional or social climbers but professionals are more fun to draw so I went that way :D fan arting from Ten Realms series :)

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The Sardinian warbler (Curruca melanocephala) is a common and widespread typical warbler from the Mediterranean region.

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Coming soon! The Warblers is a Birds Canada podcast featuring interesting guests + information and inspiration about birds & conservation in Canada. Learn more and meet the hosts!

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Black throated blue warbler

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ちょっとうるさいオオヨシキリ(Oriental Reed Warbler)。

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Or, if you'd prefer to wallow in the blues, here's a Blue Thrush (Le Merle bleu), a Blue Tit (La Mésange bleue) & a Blue-throated Warbler (Le Bec-fin gorge bleue).
🖌️from John Gould's 1837 "The Birds of Europe" digitised for by

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Today I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Andrés & Andrea for an upcoming edition of the Warblers podcast. Keep an eye out for the first episodes - they will be great listening during your drive to work, the or the

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A bush warbler—
My hands in the kitchen sink
Rest for a while

Chigetsu Kawai | Rakusan Tsuchiya

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The May Shigatse is full of vigor and hope with the shining sun, the growing grass and the ringing warblers. Tibet of China.

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A distant mournful short warble on the Northumberland moors a few weeks ago, was tantalising evidence of a Ring Ouzel. I had no sight of the bird, which may have been heading further north, as very rare breeders in the county, watercolour sketch. Have a good night all 👍

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Quit while you are ahead. 😂 Enjoy your weekend! 😷


Another early entry for 2021

Reference 📷:

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tit warbler warm up before working on comms

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46/100: black-throated blue warbler
I saw so many of these guys yesterday!! I was anxious to get out in the woods again today, but the weather changed my plans. So, I drew him instead. Have you been seeing warblers?

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warm up: pine warbler yummm

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Warblers in the park: we keep hoping....... In your dreams
A comprehensive look at the identification of Marsh, Blyth’s Reed, Eurasian Reed, Melodious and Icterine Warblers........ (Image: Soundapproach)

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NEW ARTICLE - A comprehensive look at the identification of Marsh, Blyth's Reed, Eurasian Reed, Melodious & Icterine Warbler with new Killian Mullarney plates

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Spring in New England means the return of Warblers migrating through to more northerly breeding grounds, and I recently got some of my best looks at Palm Warblers!

PixlBird - Palm Warbler is live

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