Cool stuff from "Moulin Rouge", 30x22" watercolor., Village Art Circle in Downtown Cary,...|

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Cool stuff from "Down the South Kaibab Trail at the Grand Canyon", full sheet watercolor...|

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Cool stuff from Latest commission piece of soon to be on its way states...|

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Cool stuff from r_gary Finally I started to scan the sketches I did in England and Wales. It w...|

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Cool stuff from Наслаждайтесь, любите, восхищайтесь всем, что вас окружает! Смотрите на ...|

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Cool stuff from tist Where is Home? A theme of my third novel FIRE. Painting from the painti...|

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Cool stuff from Pssst! Pigeons have secrets too :).|

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Cool stuff from Two lover trees and their love affair 🌲 🌲
Dos árboles amante y sus am...|

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