For Day 7 of MUtober, I fused Golden Maestro Yinu and beloved MU to become the snobby yet sympathetic YiMU, The Conductor of the Red Rose Orchestra ;) 🌹🌹🌹

(now to give her the pats)

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Rocktober Prompt - Favorite Boss Fight. 🌹 Love the whole nature motif between Yinu and her mother and I almost cried a bit at the cutscene after the fight. 😭 A bit of a delayed post because of the coloring. Yinu’s mother took up almost a whole red pencil. 😂

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I struggled with Yinu. Most of this piece was spent on her like damn bro. I had to do many touchups.

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🌹Babysitting hours🌟 Tell her the world’s secrets, and she’ll just cutt you off and laugh.

(I’ll post some process shots as a thread)

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Here is some more of this AU, this time with some bosses!
(Side note- Nat is aged down a bit in this au! Reason I didn't choose the other kids to be Yinu is because i thought her dynamic with trencil was 2 perfect)

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Yinu and her mother! I’m an absolute sucker for orchestral music, so Yinu’s theme is definitely one of my favorites!

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finally here's yinu!! and her two moms :)
day 4: suit
hers is v lovely and the first thing i thought for this prompt!!

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Her battle emotionally, mentally, and physically damaged me. That backstory and ending scene HURT REALLY BAD. Please, I don’t want to beat a child and her mom pleaaseee

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Here’s a lil’ bonus cos yinu mom’s normal form is criminally underrated🌹

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We thought we'd share some of our awesome Yinu boss battle concept art this What did you think of this emotional rollercoaster of a boss fight?

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quick doodle of flower child (quick color of said doodle)

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You know, when I first saw Yinu from No Straight Roads, I didn't like her much at first because of the voice acting.
But she's kinda grown on me to where I think the voice is actually kind of adorable. I must make art of this precious golden child.

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Yinu is a lil birbie child 🥺 (i will take *any* excuse to draw a cockatiel ;]

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have this Yinu pfp. You can use this, just give credit :)

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