Could be two new Dokkan fest LRs on one banner, similar to how Int Trunks and Teq Zamasu released

1 19

Baby vs Zamasu: Tema "Hipócresia"

Baby la verdad hasta me parece un ejemplo excelente de un villano hipócrita
-El cómo no tiene de otra que usar el poder de la raza que elimino a la suya
-Cuando se transforma en mono gigante hasta parece una broma del universo hacia el


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Merged Zamasu will be the next art so this’ll be my first time drawing him in a while

Corrupt this time tho 🗿 here’s the art from Summer 2020 that I’ll eventually compare it to lol

1 73

Funny about zamasu is that if he had actually succeeded in his zero mortals plan, he would have just doomed all those planets he claimed he was trying to save, since the mortal level would have been 0 everywhere, and the Omni king would have erased everything, lol

3 32

Yeah I know all that which is why it's a Zamasu isn't an anti-villain, because he's not trying to save the world by doing terrible things, what he's really doing is just restructuring the universe the way he believes it should, be so he's really just a misguided narcissist.


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This means you don't actually know anything about Adolf Hitler because he even though he was terribly evil honestly believed that all the problems of the world were on Jews and other people, he believed he was making the world a better place without them

Same with zamasu.

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Whenever the Goku Black Arc finally gets a Dual LR Vegito and Corrupt Zamasu, I’d like these 4 to EZA

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I'll be starting on the writing of the Fused Zamasu and Z Gogeta in Hell full-length fic in September! Look forward to it!

Each chapter will be posted upon completion.

(art commissioned from the amazing )

9 36

Bueno, cualquier interés por Moro se fue, ahora es tan retrasado como Zamas esperando a que Goku y Vegeta entrenen dos meses para que tener una "mejor cena" con su energía, para efectos prácticos es lo mismo que dejarlos vivos para tener una mejor pelea.

2 48

Esta portada me había parecido tan tierna cuando la vi por primera vez, but llega c reflejo misterioso y arruina todo.

Si pudiera eliminar una sola wea de DB moderno, no seria el arco de Zamas o el filme de Resurrección de F, sino DB Minus, este si que causo daños irreparables.

12 123

Maintenant que l'arc Granola est terminé, quel est votre classement des arcs du manga Dragon Ball Super ?

Pour rappel, nous avons eux les arcs suivants:
- Battle of Gods
- Tournoi U6
- Zamasu
- Tournoi du Pouvoir
- Moro
- Granola

27 513

Dans une page gag entre 2 chapitres de DBS, Toyotaro dessine l'un des nombreux Zamasu fusionnés qui composent Zamasu Infini comme s'étant transformé en Monaka.

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Card Layers, Cutins, Thumbnails, Stickers, SA Names, and SA Quotes DDL 8-18-22 {Gohan, Goku, Vegeta, Cooler, Cell, Goku Black, Shen, King Cold, Jaco, Zamasu, Android 18, Goten, Global⚫️NOTE: Full Assets in the Imgur Link} [THREAD]

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So Xicor is Basically a new version of Goku Black/Zamasu right, I know there are differences but it's pretty similar.

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Zamasu and Vegito plushie in space. I don't know why I chose space but I did.

6 20

Long Story short, i love these two.
Love of Destruction born in Heavens

4 20

Al final, a pesar de ser un arco donde los mortales se enfrentan a un Dios arrogante y demuestran su valor, TODO es solucionado con Dioses, Zenosama es quien derrota a Zamas y son Bills y Wiss quienes resolverán todo lo demás, y fuera de pantalla mas encima, solo acéptalo puta.

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