Did more of a paint style lol
But yea I thought fundy n philza lookin at the sunrise was so sWEET

5 31

"Exiled myself and did some meditation in a cold region"

2 4

Don't worry guys
Your parents will always love you no matter what have you done❤
Fast sketch cause why not

6 70

Here’s a watercolour painting that I did of Philza because I was bored. I ended up spending almost 4 hours on it.

0 1

Unfinished Wip! I started this like the day of the war and never actually got around to finishing this.

0 2

You probably didn't ask for it but here are reaction memes but it's the sleepy bois + tubbo 👀

Based/inspired by the memes in the replies 👍

1 22

I always end up starting some basic shading. Then I end up having to do it with everything and it takes forever-- I avoided it in the first image of this whole thing. Rip me. XD

1 14

Mmmm,,, cute wholesome moment 👍 very pog

Tw // blood ,,,,in the thread

247 3256

Philza gives such good vibes i love watching their vids sm,,,
- (this is my chibi style practice i'm so sorry this is ugly)

4 23

Two birds on a sunny day. One is brushing the other's feathers while the other complains how his ex's last words were "flatty patty"

66 521