Algunis dibujos de una revisionist Nicole Rodriguez (del Crewniverse)

Y miren los ojos de Steven *-*

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Happy Birthday Freddy Rodriguez!

出演中の「BULL/ブル 法廷を操る男」も好調のようで嬉しい限り。

結局今年も新規絵描けなかったので、昔、自HPの「Six Feet Under」コーナー用に描いた懐かしのフェデリコ絵でお茶を濁す私。

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I'm here today to introduce you guys to my new OC, Adriana "Poison" Rodriguez! I'm still trying to adapt myself to make her more consistent in my art style ^^'
Do you guys want to know more about her background story?? Let me know in the comments! 🧐🤔

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Hello ! My name is Janet Rodriguez and I am a Latin Character Designer and Vis. Dev. artist located in the OC/LA area. I am looking for freelance and in-house work ☺️

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B is for Bender Bending Rodriguez. I used to watch Futurama every night on Adult Swim while painting WH40k miniatures. Bender made the show for me seemingly every time. If you don't like it you can bite my shiny, metal ass. Honorable mentions: Balthier and Barret Wallace.

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Old Bridge by Timothy Rodriguez via /r/ImaginaryLandscapes

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