He was due a redraw to show him as the gentle giant he truly is

4 16

Alderheart for

gonna put him on my redbubble for anyone interested ^^

4 16

Precious boy (other cats pictured: Purdy, Bramblestar, Molewhisker, Velvet, Leafpool, Sandstorm)

6 56

who put all this red tint in my bramblestar cloner?

2 38

he's doing his best and we love him for it

44 202

I tried to show his softness not sure if I did good though;;

4 52

Alderheart!! This boy needs a hug

7 31

Here’s my drawing of alderheart our anxious boi. hope you enjoyed!

5 34

not feeling my best today but announced as the and I couldn't resist drawing such a soft boy. I made his face 'mask' light instead of dark like Bramblestar's because really they're opposites of each other fite me

8 55

declared that this weeks is I've made a sticker with my design of him lately so why not to share it again? 😺

9 45

my unfinished Sneezecloud art for

11 75

Sneezecloud is honestly the best warrior namr

7 39