Anyone know who did this? It’s so great. Tineye is no help.

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was impressed by Legend of & the super lesbian overtures were a nice, well earned resolution

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"Only the Avatar can master all four elements, and bring balance to the world."

23 33

kalafinaの曲聴きながら描きました*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

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Seguimos afinando detalles de nuestro oso pardo, pronto lanzaremos la ilustración final, estén al pendiente!

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"Now she is old, & shriveled, & gross, & nobody want her no more-- They want SEXTINA AQUAFINA, BAYBAYY!"

3 6

Siempre hay que afinar.

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【C86】1日目西た18b そうぞうたまご「Utahime Festa Vol.#1」Kalafina本(4コマ+α)になります。 [pixiv]

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Futbol: unico deporte MUNDIAL que une a la tierra x cortos 90 minutos,donde todos somos UNO.

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DAD'S A BALLER TOO • 20% off Father's Day Sale at with code POPS

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Desafinado - sunset Tuesday 30 July

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